Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know therapy is right for me?

If you’ve been considering therapy, it’s worth a shot. Therapy is helpful for so many things- learning how to manage emotions, increasing happiness, decreasing anxiety, improving relationships/communication, gaining insights about yourself, and so much more. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and have been considering therapy, I challenge you to prioritize yourself and commit to a few sessions to assess if therapy is right for you.

What can I expect from a therapy session?

Therapy sessions will be 50 minutes in length. The first few sessions, you will be getting acquainted with your therapist while they hear your concerns and gather important information about your life. After the initial phase, you and your therapist will develop a treatment plan together. The rest of therapy is practicing and implementing changes you discuss with your therapist while workshopping what is working and what is not.

How long does therapy take?

The duration of therapy varies depending on the individual and the nature of the issues being addressed. Some people may see progress in a few sessions, while others may benefit from longer-term therapy. Your therapist will discuss treatment goals and expectations with you and collaborate on a timeline that suits your needs.

What if I want to use insurance?

I am currently being paneled with a few major insurance providers, but the process can take weeks to finalize. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist to use insurance please fill out the new client form:

What if I can’t afford therapy?

Every person who needs therapy should be able to access it. I offer limited sliding scale spots, which is a reduced-fee based on your income. Additionally, some community mental health centers, universities, and non-profit organizations offer low-cost or free counseling services. It's worth exploring these options if cost is a barrier to accessing therapy.

Can I do in-person therapy?

Currently I only offer Telehealth services, with plans to offer in person therapy by the end of 2024.